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Enterprise premiere date

We previously reported that SBS has obtained the Enterprise broadcast rights and that Enterprise will be shown on Veronica. Previous reports can be found here and here.

We now know that Enterprise will premiere on Veronica on Monday September 22nd. Enterprise will be broadcast every Monday evening at 20:30 o'clock. SBS picked this time slot because Voyager was also broadcasted every Monday evening on Netherlands 2.

Veronica starts its broadcast on September 20th and is broadcast instead of V8. On its first evening, Veronica is going to show the movies 'Gladiator' and 'Transpotting' and the series 'Smallville' and 'Fastlane'. Other new series on Veronica include the comedy 'Ed', the English automobile series 'Top Gear' and the police series 'Robbery Homicide Division LA'.

Source: SBS