- Planet

TOS and TNG on BBC2


Next monday Veronica will air the final episode of Star Trek: Voyager. But apparently that doesn't mean the end of Star Trek on TV, because the BBC2 will apparently be broadcasting both The Original Series and The Next Generation on Saturday afternoons. This Saturday (july 8th) they will first air the original pilot episode "The Cage", followed by the double-episode TNG pilot "Encounter at Farpoint". Next week there will again be one TOS and one TNG broadcast. Only this week there will be a double episode of TNG because, because they are airing the pilot episode. From next week on they will only broadcast one 45-minute episode of TNG.

We do not yet know for how long the BBC will air Star Trek. It could be just for a few weeks, but it could also take many months. When we know more we'll let you know.

Our thanks goes to Lex Willem van Rijn for bringing this to our attention.